Why Choose CNCS?

As a Christian school, we prepare students for a useful, caring life.

High Quality Education

Holistic education from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8

We are an independent, private Christian school in Kitchener for children from Junior Kindergarten through to Grade 8. We educate children in a holistic manner that promotes their spiritual, academic, emotional, social, and physical well-being.


Spiritually, we foster knowledge of, and obedience to the Lord’s Word, love and respect for our Creator and all His gifts to us, including nature and one another.


Academically, we teach from a New Church perspective, helping students see how their learning can be put to use to serve the Lord and their neighbour.


Socially, we demonstrate and expect charitable behaviour and mutual respect for all of God’s people. Within our school, we create an orderly, disciplined, safe and nurturing learning environment according to the Lord’s Word. This creates a harmonious community in which children can learn, play and form true, good friendships.


Physically, we encourage healthy bodies and minds; teaching children that a healthy lifestyle creates the necessary foundation for learning and a productive life.


Emotionally, we support children in acquiring genuine self-esteem by helping them develop confidence in their capability in succeeding. We do this by expecting and encouraging effort, responsibility and accountability in all areas of school life.

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Experience the school for yourself and see how the difference in our approach makes a difference in our students.

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